November 11, 2005--


A Veterans' Day Message to America's Military Personnel:


'Though Durbin and Kennedy, Conyers and Dean

may denigrate missions you serve with their screams,

'though Nancy Peloci, Kucinich and Byrd

describe as a "quagmire" the mission you serve,

'though Hollywood HalfWits like Robbins and Moore

contend that your mission is wrong to the core,

'though missions your serve are maligned and defamed

by Soros, Move-On and by Not-In-Our-Name,

remember that all but a few do proclaim

how proudly we thank you for deeds in our name.


Editor's Note:

Due to a series of unexpected circumstances, I have not posted an update between October 18, 2005, and today.  I expect to get back onto the regular schedule soon.  Thanks for your patience.

--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.

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Nov. 11, 2005 #01 Daily Update at PoliSat.Com, where satire is always commentary, but commentary isn't always satire

Title:  Veterans' Day Message to American's Military Personnel. 

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