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Joyful Parade Through Obama Square Celebrates Barack Obama's 48th Birthday with Giant Mosaic Made by Hundreds of Thousands of School Children...·
By Jim
Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.
August 4, 2009--
A joyful parade through Obama Square celebrates Barack Obama's 48th Birthday with a giant pearl-bead mosaic picture of Obama made by hundreds of thousands of school children. Just the thought of Obama's 48th birthday (August 4, 2009) sent tingles down the legs of members of the enlightened media such as ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times.
In a gesture of reconciliation, Barack Obama even extended the hand of
friendship to Joe the Plumber by describing what has become a national
plumbing problem that may require a special plumbing
"stimulus" in order for such problem to be "flushed"
away. News reports are filled with other gestures of friendship on Obama's
birthday. A San Diego paper published a list of suggested
gifts for "the man who has everything."
Likewise, Obama's
native state of Hawaii also offered suggested birthday gifts for him.
The island of Antigua named its highest mountain "Mount Obama." A Washington, D.C. restaurant debuted the "Obama Burger" in honor of the 44th President. Domino's honored Obama by offering "free cake" on his birthday, but it's uncertain whether it was inspired by Michelle Obama's famous statement, "Let them eat cake."
As a gesture of friendship, Russian President Medvedev wished Obama a "Happy Birthday," but it's uncertain whether Putin did likewise. In another international gesture of reconciliation, Obama officially recognized Iranian President Ahmadinejad as the "elected leader" of Iran, after which President Ahmadinejad released a video paying homage to Obama as a "more advanced" version of the old Jimmy Carter.
But despite all these outpourings of good will, there were some skeptics. An internet research organization conducted a search of the internet from January 1, 2000 until the present to find positive news coverage of any of George W. Bush's birthdays by the traditionally dominant media while he was in office. Those examples of positive coverage are here, here and here.
But what's the "birthday gift" Obama would most preferred to have received? Enactment of ObamaCare legislation before the August recess of the House and Senate, of course. But Obama has assured everyone that soon everyone in the country will be covered by ObamaCare. Then everyone needs to get ready for the only thing that precedes the grim reaper with certainty-- the tax man.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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