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·Christmas Fatwa·

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As Kommissar, author of Fatwas,
For Christmas I've issued this Fatwa
of Un-Christmas things
Progressives can sing
to prove Christmas Spirit is "nada."

However, I'm not a good singer
and so I've arranged for a ringer
whos face is so dour
he gives it more power:
Now hear Dingy Harry, the singer.

Away is the danger, no cutting-off heads.
Jihadists are losing and Dubya's ahead.
The surge is succeeding with peace on the way,
but we as Progressives must not lose our way.

The voters are lowing, Progressives: "Awake!
and frighten the voters so crying they make.
How best can we scare them? Preposterous lies!
In 2006 we succeeded with lies."

We have to convince them the Christians are worse
than all the jihadist who scared them at first.
How best can we do this since Hollywood failed?
Let Bubba claim Dubya's by "Daddy" assailed!


The Kommissar of Fatwas is a GroupThink character at ThePeoples.Cube.






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By Jim Wrenn,

Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.

December 19, 2007--




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