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Axis of Sleazel-- Where Bowels Move On the Axis of Sleazel.   

October 29, 2007--


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The "org" with the trademark "Move On" 
does stoop oh so low to heap scorn, 
it's "Move On" display 
is mere "d.b.a."-- 
Its real name is "Bowels Move On." 


When Senator Collins of Maine 

asked Google to post ads to name 

the smears and the lies 

that MoveOn designed 

against her, said Google, "We ain't."  


The spurious claim Google made 

as "grounds" to tell Collins "no way"?  

That MoveOn_Dot_Org 

a trademark did form 

denying her use of it's name.


Yet Google showed lack of compunction 

to bar ads by Leftists with gumption 

to trash and defame  

the well-trademarked name 

of "Blackwater" smeared with "corruption."   


Deceptively, Google explained 

that Blackwater hadn't "complained." 

Thus Google concocts

that trademarks can stop

their critics from showing their names.  


The reason that Google resorts 

to legally flimsy retorts 

ain't hard to dislodge:  

Their fortune's so large, 

that few can defeat them in court.


However, a force with more power 

than armies of lawyers so dour, 

perhaps could afford 

relief to the hordes 

of victims of Google's great power.  


You ask, "What's that power?" of course, 

that might make The Google change course.  

Though cumbersome, yes, 

quite often it's best:  

The power of free-market choice.  


It's true Google's assets are billions; 

it's users are hundreds of millions; 

but most of such worth 

can fleetingly turn 

to little by actions of millions.  


Remember when IBM stood 

on top for computerized goods?  

Twas toppled by voices 

of millions of choices 

selecting competitors' goods.


So, therefore, we're left with the choices:  

Give up or make Google hear voices 

of millions of users 

abstaining as users 

'til Google makes fairness its choice.


However, re Google, there's more

'cause Google is Gorgle for Gore

as High-Priest of Nature

and Anti-Bush Haters--

scroll-down to find more about Gore.



Since winning the "Peace Prize," will Gore rely upon MoveOn_Dot_Org for "in kind" support enabling Al Gore to campaign for POTUS once more

By Jim Wrenn,

Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.

October 13, 2007--

            Since Gore's won the Oslo "Peace Prize" for making a movie with lies as science disguised, some questions arise:  "What's next as his quest for a 'Prize'"?  The NutRoots are eager for Gore to tell them he's running once more for POTUS, the "prize" to answer their cries, "America needs to be Gored."  From Gore's book contrasting his "Reason" with Bush's "Assault [Against] Reason," the NutRoots believe the country will see in Gore such examples of "Reason."

            Though many contend it's too late for Gore to now enter the race, the NutRoots are certain, if Gore raised the curtain, he'd pass all the rest in the race.  But where could the saintly Al Gore get more of which others have more-- i.e., campaign funds he'd need if he runs?  Think Google and MoveOn_Dot_Org.  

            The most naive experts think Gore would need far more funds than before and thus they maintain that Feingold/McCain would keep him from getting the "more."  They wrongly assume he'd need "more" than what he had needed before.  Since Feingold/McCain, "in kind"  is the game of Google and Move_On_Dot_Org.  So, Candidate Gore wouldn't need the war-chest opponents would need 'cause MoveOn_Dot_Org and Google, of course, "in kind" would attend to his needs.

            To those who'd contend it is folly to claim such support could be parleyed from media pawns by Google/MoveOn, just look what they did to Mrs. Collins.  When Senator Collins of Maine asked Google to post ads to name the smears and the lies that MoveOn designed against her, said Google, "We ain't."  The spurious claim Google made as "grounds" to tell Collins "no way"?  That MoveOn_Dot_Org a trademark did form denying her use of it's name.

            Yet Google showed lack of compunction to bar ads by Leftists with gumption to trash and defame the well-trademarked name of "Blackwater" smeared with "corruption."   Deceptively, Google explained that Blackwater hadn't "complained."  Thus, Google concocts  that trademarks can stop their critics from showing their names.  The reason that Google resorts to legally flimsy retorts ain't hard to dislodge:  Their fortune's so large, that few can defeat them in court.

            However, a force with more power than armies of lawyers so dour, perhaps could afford relief to the hordes of victims of Google's great power.  You ask, "What's that power?" of course, that might make The Google change course.  Though cumbersome, yes, quite often it's best:  The power of free-market choice.  It's true Google's assets are billions; it's users are hundreds of millions; but most of such worth can fleetingly turn to little by actions of millions.  Remember when IBM stood on top for computerized goods?  Twas toppled by voices of millions of choices selecting competitors' goods.

            So, therefore, we're left with the choices:  Give up or make Google hear voices of millions of users abstaining as users 'til Google makes fairness its choice.

            If reading this text leads your mind to know it's in rhythm  and rhyme, and if you prefer the format of verse, go here for the stanzas aligned.

--Jim Wrenn, Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.


Installment above arranged in stanzas:


Since Gore's won the Oslo "Peace Prize" 

for making a movie with lies 

as science disguised, 

some questions arise:  

"What's next as his quest for a 'Prize'"?  


The NutRoots are eager for Gore 

to tell them he's running once more 

for POTUS, the "prize" 

to answer their cries, 

"America needs to be Gored."  


From Gore's book contrasting his "Reason" 

with Bush's "Assault [Against] Reason," 

the NutRoots believe 

the country will see 

in Gore such examples of "Reason."


Though many contend it's too late 

for Gore to now enter the race, 

the NutRoots are certain, 

if Gore raised the curtain, 

he'd pass all the rest in the race.  


But where could the saintly Al Gore 

get more of which others have more-- 

i.e., campaign funds 

he'd need if he runs?  

Think Google and MoveOn_Dot_Org.  


The most naive experts think Gore 

would need far more funds than before 

and thus they maintain 

that Feingold/McCain 

would keep him from getting the "more."  


They wrongly assume he'd need "more" 

than what he had needed before.  

Since Feingold/McCain, 

"in kind"  is the game 

of Google and Move_On_Dot_Org.  


So, Candidate Gore wouldn't need 

the war-chest opponents would need 

'cause MoveOn_Dot_Org 

and Google, of course, 

"in kind" would attend to his needs.


To those who'd contend it is folly 

to claim such support could be parleyed 

from media pawns 

by Google/MoveOn, 

just look what they did to Mrs. Collins.  


When Senator Collins of Maine 

asked Google to post ads to name 

the smears and the lies 

that MoveOn designed 

against her, said Google, "We ain't."  


The spurious claim Google made 

as "grounds" to tell Collins "no way"?  

That MoveOn_Dot_Org 

a trademark did form 

denying her use of it's name.


Yet Google showed lack of compunction 

to bar ads by Leftists with gumption 

to trash and defame  

the well-trademarked name 

of "Blackwater" smeared with "corruption."   


Deceptively, Google explained 

that Blackwater hadn't "complained." 

Thus Google concocts

that trademarks can stop

their critics from showing their names.  


The reason that Google resorts 

to legally flimsy retorts 

ain't hard to dislodge:  

Their fortune's so large, 

that few can defeat them in court.


However, a force with more power 

than armies of lawyers so dour, 

perhaps could afford 

relief to the hordes 

of victims of Google's great power.  


You ask, "What's that power?" of course, 

that might make The Google change course.  

Though cumbersome, yes, 

quite often it's best:  

The power of free-market choice.  


It's true Google's assets are billions; 

it's users are hundreds of millions; 

but most of such worth 

can fleetingly turn 

to little by actions of millions.  


Remember when IBM stood 

on top for computerized goods?  

Twas toppled by voices 

of millions of choices 

selecting competitors' goods.


So, therefore, we're left with the choices:  

Give up or make Google hear voices 

of millions of users 

abstaining as users 

'til Google makes fairness its choice.






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