Tribute to Our Troops: Thanks In Our Name For Deeds In Our Name (Acronym "TION4DION")
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Lyrics (Copyright):
1 From farms in the country, from cities and towns, from places quite humble, from places renowned, from fact'tries, from stores and from offices tall, from service professions, from shops in our malls, come citizen soldiers our country to serve as full-time professionals, guard or reserve. 2. From mothers and fathers and husbands and wives from children and lovers and friends in their lives our citizen soldiers depart despite tears on missions of danger in spite of their fears as seflessly, proudly and bravely they serve that freedom of conscience and Faith be preserved. [Chorus] To you who defend us, we proudly proclaim, our pride in the deeds you have done in our name. To citizen soldiers our humble refrain: We thank you, we thank you for deeds in our name. 3. In caves and in tunnels where murderers train unspeakable terror they face in our name. With principled discipline, training and skill in taming the instinct to kill or be killed, our citizen soldiers have honored our name, so, proudly we thank them for deeds in our name. 4. They serve in the skies and at sea and on land, in mountains and jungles and deserts of sand, on foot and in foxholes, in trenches and tents, in tanks and on submarine mission descents, in planes and on ships and on carrier decks, in Humvees and hangars and convoys on treks. [Chorus] To you who defend us, we proudly proclaim, our pride in the deeds you have done in our name. To citizen soldiers our humble refrain: We thank you, we thank you for deeds in our name. 5. For risks to themselves they increase as they strive to minimize dangers to innocent lives, so we and posterity freedom retain, unspeakable evil they face our name. Our citizen solders have honored our name, so thank them we must for their deeds in our name. [Final Chorus] To you who defend us, we proudly proclaim, our pride in the deeds you have done in our name. To citizen soldiers our humble refrain: We thank you, we thank you for deeds in our name.
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