means Political Satire/Commentary, "where the satire ABOUT
Islamic-Rage Boy Can't Hold a Candle to Progressive-Rage Boys: Al Gore, Barack Obama and Michael Bloomberg.
Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com .
December 08, 2012-- (Click here
for 20121217 Update; Click here
for 20130313 Update)
The Islamic-Rage Boy can't hold a candle to the Progressive-Rage Boys: Al Gore (Climate-Rage Boy), Barack Obama (Obamist-Rage Boy) and Michael Bloomberg (Nanny-Rage Boy). On the basis of painstaking research inspired by Comrade Putout at The Peoples Cube, this article presents a series of graphic illustrations of the kinds of thing that provoke Hyper-Enragement by these three "Rage Boys" as well as in virtually all Progressives.
We're all familiar with the "Islamic Rage Boy," but recently, Comrade Putout (at ThePeoplesCube.Com) discovered the "Islamic Rage Boys," and in the process she discovered quite a number of things that "enrage" them, so she posted the results of her research at ThePeoplesCube on December 1, 2012, entitled "What Are These Guys Sniveling About"?. . Brain-Twisting Escher: . |
Noticing that such Middle-Ages Hyper-Enragement-Syndrome (MAES) bears a striking similarity to another syndrome, the Progressive Enragement Syndrome (PES, which is similar to PMS), KOOK (a comrade of Comrade Putout), launched his own research into PES, as a result of which he discovered three of leading sufferers from the Progressive Enragement syndrome: The Progressive-Rage Boys otherwise known separately (when becoming enraged separately rather than Collectively) as Al Gore (a.k.a., "Climate Rage Boy"), Barack Obama (a.k.a. "Obamist Rage Boy") and Michael Bloomberg (a.k.a. "Nanny Rage Boy"). . To view a brief, gif-animation of the evolutionary history of these manifestations of Rage, click the image below. . As a public service, KOOK hereby publishes (commencing immediately below) the shocking results of his research: . |
Constitution As shown above, Al Gore (Climate Rage Boy) is outraged that the drafter's of our Constitution misspelled the intended salutation "Ye the People" from the Government and thereby ignorantly converted it into a revolutionary declaration directed at the Government. Barak Obama (Obamist Rage Boy) is enraged that the drafters of the Fifth Amendment in our Constitution's Bill of Rights guaranteeing "Life, Liberty [and] property" forgot to include "redistribution of" as a prepositional phrase with "property" as its object. Michael Bloomberg (Nanny Rage Boy) is enraged that the Second Amendment misspelled the Right to Bear "Alms." .
Energetic Enragement: As shown above, Al Gore (Climate Rage Boy) is enraged that in the United States, electricity is WAY TOO CHEAP. Barack Obama is enraged by how unfair it is that the "top 2 %" STILL use electricity at night when everyone else is dutifully sleeping during that part of the day (i.e., nighttime) when GAIA intended for humans to sleep rather than wasting energy by using electricity. Michael Bloomberg (Nanny Rage Boy) takes a more practical view by stressing that people who want to use electricity at night should be required to ride bicycles to and from work to offset their decadence in using electricity at night. He does, however, favor allowing pedaling-generated electricity on such bicycles to enable those who work at night to be able to see how to ride to and from work. .
Bacon Bikinis & Whipped-Cream Bikinis: As shown above, Al Gore (Climate Rage Boy), is enraged by bacon bikinis because pigs must be raised on a large scale to satisfy men's nearly universal craving for their wives/girl-friends to wear edible, bacon bikinis. How do pigs contribute to "Global Warming"? They compete with cows in methane-flatulence per pound, but their greatest danger to GAIA is that pig-farts are so hot. Barack Obama (Obamist Rage Boy) objects not to bacon bikinis or even whipped-cream bikinis but rather deems it unfair for any women to wear bikinis because "only the top 2 % have the kind of figures that make them look good (to men) in bikinis," and thus, to be "fair" to the other 98% of women (including the more recent species of womyn), the bikini should be banned for purposes of fairness. Michael Bloomberg, on the other hand, has no objection to whipped-cream bikinis as long as men avoid eating the whipped cream in order to avoid excessive caloric intake. However, a recent Gallup survey indicates that an overwhelming percentage of whipped-cream-bikini-wearing women prefer husbands or boyfriends who avoid the fattening effects of eating whipped cream by always engaging immediately thereafter in a prolonged period of non-high-impact, rhythmic exercise to burn-off the high-caloric content of ingested whipped cream. .
Martinez-Rubio or Rubio-Martinez: .As shown above, both New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez and Florida Senator Marco Rubio, induce enragement among Al Gore (Climate Rage Boy), Barack Obama (Obamist Rage Boy) and Michael Bloomberg (Nanny Rage Boy) out of fear of soon hearing "Si, se puede" from throngs gathering to hear them speak. .
The Peoples Cube Not Shrugging Prof-Off: .Although ThePeoplesCube.Com normally extols the wondrous virtues of collectivism, progressivism, liberalism, political correctness, Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Group-Think, and that old stand-by "Communism," it sometimes lapses into a form of intellectual backsliding know in the land of The People's Cube as "Prog-Off" a.k.a., the kind of thinking and expression more suitable for those who inhabit the Ghulag or are undergoing (or perhaps in need of) "re-education." Thus, although Comrades Al Gore (Climate Rage Boy), Barack Obama (Obamist Rage Boy) and Michael Boomberg (Nanny Rage Boy) normally derive ideologically orgasmic pleasure from the cutting-edge collectivist philosophy extolled in the land of the Cube, they quickly become quite enraged whenever non-group-think, un-progressive ideas, images or thoughts appear at the Cube as "Prof-Off" content. Unlike Atlas, The Peoples Cube will not "shrug" in its Prog-Off duties to support the Earth in general and Liberty in particular. .
Evolution of Womyn Continues Lagging Behind Evolution of Women: As shown above,, it both strikes fear into the hearts of, and sparks enragement in the minds of, Al Gore (Climate Rage Boy), Barack Obama (Obamist Rage Boy), Michael Bloomberg (Nanny Rage Boy) and all other progressives that the evolution of progressive womyn such as Helen Thomas (Auntie Semitic), Nancy Pelosi (Hack-in-the-Box), Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (Wasserman Test), Hillary Rodham Clinton (Bubba's Doormat), Sandra Fluke (rhymes -- she says -- with F_ck not Puke but incentivizes the latter rather than the former), etc., etc., etc., is lagging behind the rapidly advancing evolution of women favoring limited-government, liberty and a strong foreign policy founded on recognition of American exceptionalism, such as Susana Martinez, Sarah Palin, Kelly Ayotte, Nikki Haley, Kristi Noem, Marsha Blackburn, etc., etc., etc.. .
Lady Justice Balancing the Scales of Justice: As shown above, few things spark rage more quickly Al Gore (Climate Rage Boy), Barack Obama (Obamist Rage Boy) and Michael Bloomberg (Nanny Rage Boy) that those occasions on which Lady Liberty refuses to place a thumb on the scales of justice in order to tip the balance in favor of progressively favored groups or causes. .
Complex Arithmetic (a.k.a. Advanced Mathematics) : As shown above, complex arithmetic or advanced mathematics virtually always induce instantaneous enragement in Al Gore (Climate Rage Boy) whenever he's confronted with hard-science regarding his Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Theory, in Barack Obama (Obamist Rage Boy) whenever he's confronted with complex math such as recognizing that the "Bush-43 Deficit" = $4 Trillion in deficits over 8 years averaging Half-a-Trillion per Year is a deficit-accumulation rate lower than one-third the deficit-accumulation rate of "Obama-44" = $7 Trillion in deficits over his first 4 years averaging $1.7 Trillion per year. .
Science Removes Fig-Leaf from Anthropogenic Global Warming Theology: As shown above, the latest un-rigged science (see also Whittle's video) removes the last fig-leaf from the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Theology masquerading as a "virtually universal scientific consensus" in describing what has, in effect, been the centuries long recovery of Earth's climate from the Mini-Ice-Age, which began circa 1,300 A.D. and from which the climate began slowly recovering in the early 1800's and continued into the 20th Century. Few things enrage Al Gore (Climate Rage Boy), Barack Obama (Obamist Rage Boy), Michael Bloomberg (Nanny Rage Boy) and other Progressives more than revelations of real science contradicting the AGW Theology, whose advocates re-named it "Climate Change" (after Hurricane Katrina, at which time they predicted that human activity had harmed Earth's climate so much that Katrina would be the first of many Category 5 Hurricanes that would thereafter strike the Gulf states and East Coast of the United States with increasing regularity). Fortunately for us, and unfortunately for believers in their re-named Anthropogenic "Climate Change" Theology, our post-Katrina climate has been better than our pre-Katrina climate. Whenever there's severe coldness (such as the Blizzards of 2010 and coldest-Alaskan-winter-in-40-years in 2012), these ACC (AGW) Theologists call it "just weather," but whenever there's severe heat, these Theologists call it "Climate Change." By another name, this type of theory is "heads we win, tails you lose." .
Dreading Scott, Runaway: As shown above, few things are dreaded more by Al Gore (Climate Rage Boy), Barack Obama (Obamist Rage Boy), Michael Bloomberg (Nanny Rage Boy) and other Progressives than a Runaway such as the Dreaded Scott of South Carolina. At this writing, it is unclear whom Nikki Haley will appoint to succeed South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint, but KOOK earnestly hopes she will appoint Tim Scott, a current Republican member of the U.S. House from South Carolina. No one who's ever listened to Scott can doubt that if she were to appoint him to the Senate, he would become on of the most enlightened and articulate advocates of liberty and strong defense to ever serve in the Senate. He will continue as a rising star in the limited-government political firmament. .
Strategic Bumper Sticker on a Ford: As shown above, what Al Gore (Climate Rage Boy), Barack Obama (Obamist Rage Boy) and Michael Bloomberg (Nanny Rage Boy) fear most is the risk that in the end-of-2012 "negotiations" to avoid the "fiscal cliff," the Republicans will actually figure-out that Obama's strategy is to sucker them into supporting at least some aspect of his "balanced" plan to raise taxes on the "rich" and to increase (while claiming to decrease) spending commencing in 2013 so that in 2014 he can tout their "support" for raising taxes and demonize them for whatever else they may "oppose" in 2013. If the Republicans were to figure this out before the end of 2012, then they would simply vote "present" to remove all obstacles to Obama getting what he says he wants regarding taxing and spending, in which case Obama (and the Democrats in the House and Senate) will OWN the disaster we'll be undergoing in 2014, which will afford the voters one last chance to acquire a veto-proof limited-government majority in the Senate and a veto-proof limited-government majority in the House in order to reverse as much of Obamism as possible as quickly as possible to save America from the oblivion that will be her destiny if the Progressives continue to remain in power. .
Entertaining Bumper Sticker on a Ford: As shown above, it enrages Al Gore (Climate Rage Boy), Barack Obama (Obamist Rage Boy) and Michael Bloomberg (Nanny Rage Boy) to contemplate the risks that advocates of limited government may actually figure out how to capture the attention of the youthful voters who voted for Obama by swallowing (hook, line and sinker) his class-warfare (hackneyed Marxist philosophy) rhetoric out of economic and political ignorance rather than actual stupidity. Perhaps it will dawn on increasing numbers of such youthful ignoramuses that we should admire the makers more than the pretenders. .
Freedom Beats Freedumb. As shown above, it enrages Al Gore (Climate Rage Boy), Barack Obama (Obamist Rage Boy) and Michael Bloomberg (Nanny Rage Boy) when intellectually acute advocates of limited-government, liberty, and a strong foreign policy founded on a recognition of American Exceptionalism figure out clever ways to illustrate to young voters the difference between Freedom and Freedumb, for the latter of which Sandra Fluke (rhymes -- she says -- with F_ck not Puke but incentivizes the latter rather than the former) became emblematic in the 2012 election in standing for claims of entitlement to "freebies" from the government (such as rubbers and pills) , and for the former of which Anne Coulter is emblematic, such as the fundamental freedom of self-defense and the right to own, possess and bear arms to protect such freedom. .
The Naked Political Truth: As shown above, it what most enrages and most strikes political fear in the hearts of Al Gore (Climate Rage Boy), Barack Obama (Obamist Rage Boy), Michael Bloomberg (Nanny Rage Boy) and other Progressives is that Ann Coulter and other intellectually acute advocates of limited government, liberty and a strong foreign policy founded on recognition of American Exceptionalism will learn to actually capture the attention of ordinary voters who are not political junkies to enable them to actually learn the Naked Truth about politics in general and about Progressivism in particular. .
Photoshop-It-Yourself Form #1: |
Photoshop-It-Yourself Form #2: . |
· 2012-12-17 Link for Image Below: |
Progressives Rage at Nikki Haley Appointing Tim Scott as US Senator for S.C. |
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Image above depicts Tim Scott thanking S.C. Governor Nikki Haley for appointing him US Senator for South Carolina to replace the retiring Jim DeMint. It's obvious why her doing so enrages progressives.. |
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ReElect Obama in 2012 for Peace by 2016 from . |
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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