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Currently, too little attention is being paid to free-market proposals for transitioning to such a system under which each individual employee would become the "owner" of any insurance coverage currently being provided by an employer with the funds being paid by the employer being deemed funds owned by the employee and with income-tax laws adjustments to exclude such funds from taxable income (but sensibly treating the employer's payment of same as deductible just as any other form of income paid by an employer to an employee is deductible from the employer's gross income).
Why are none in the media focusing on such common-sense proposals? Could it be that the dominant media has a "dog in the race" in that the dominant media is as ideologically in favor of "government" health care (single-payer) as are Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the rest of the leftists in Congress. No wonder the dominant media don't want to shed light on common-sense proposals?
What should voters do? They should instruct their representatives and senators to "take a deep breath" and defer consideration of proposals for "health care reform" until after the 2010 elections. By then, enough people would have had enough time to read the thousands of pages in the current proposals to understand that they don't want anything remotely like what Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and the rest of the leftists in congress are currently attempting to ram down the country's throat.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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http://PoliSat.Com/ObamaCare.htm .
Obama's political ideology stands at war with the "new mindset" for family values and personal responsibility he espouses to NAACP..·
Jim Wrenn,
Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.
July 17, 2009--
If Obama were able
willing to apply to his own political ideology generally the "new
mindset" he recommended to the NAACP on July
16, 2009 as excerpted in the CNN video below, he would be a
limited-government "conservative" instead of a collectivist. He
thus could become a great president rather than one attempting to drive the
nation pedal-to-the-metal over the edge of the free-market/personal-liberty
plateau and into the bottomless pit of collectivism.
But, of course, he's unwilling to do so. No doubt he's intellectually
capable of recognizing the patent disconnect between the "new mindset"
he recommends to the NAACP and his own leftist/collectivist/statist/socialist
political ideology that he also naively applies internationally as
Jimmy Carter on steroids
melanin. Nevertheless, instead of embracing the
limited-government principles inherent in, and intrinsic to, the "new
mindset" he recommends in his July 16, 2009 speech to the NAACP, he
embraces and seeks to implement a "redistribution of wealth" political
philosophy in all three branches of government -- legislative,
and executive--
as though it were a benevolent philosophy rather than an inherently totalitarian
Since one can't reasonably doubt that he understands such disconnect, how can one explain his embrace of a political ideology that is virtually antithetical to the "new mindset" he advocates to the NAACP? Even his staunchest critics would concede that barring some "Sanford-type" secret, Obama's handling of his marital and parental responsibilities admirably exemplify the "mindset" he recommends to others. What's so sad is that a leader who appears to personify loyalty to "family values" embraces a political ideology so plainly hostile to promotion and preservation of, and respect for, such values in the form of the free-market/personal-liberty paradigm that made the country he "inherited" from George W. Bush the greatest force for human liberty in all of human history.
What makes it tragic is that he's in the process of squandering that legacy in pursuit of what seems almost indistinguishable from the long-discredited 18th Century utopian philosophies which Marx later sought to describe, and prescribe, as a form of evolutionary "science." No wonder the person Obama selected as his "science" czar is a person whose political philosophy is at home in such 18th Century Utopian thought as it would be on Animal Farm or in a fascist or Stalinist or Maoist state.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at WrennCom.Com; also Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
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ObamaMob (What's the sound of an Acorn falling when no one's listening? A disturbance in the Force.). ·
By Jim
Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.
17, 2009.
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