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Barack Obama's Acceptance Speech for Nobel Peace Prize Trumpets Values Worth More than Prize

By Jim Wrenn, 
Editor at PoliSat.Com.
December 10, 2009--

            A critic I am of Obama for leftist infliction of trauma on free-market rites and property rights and weakness displayed far too often.  But yet in my hearing his speech today on the day he received the prize of Nobel for work that's done well, a critic I choose not to be.  

            Instead, I'm constrained to concede that most of his well-crafted speech expressed the ideals that Dubya with zeal so often conveyed in a speech.  Obama correctly perceived ideals of our country to be what most does deserve the loftiest words as thanks for our efforts for peace.  

            Obama quite clearly conveyed the value of prices we've paid in blood and in lives that freedom should thrive where tyranny we have replaced.  Though happy I'm not that he still conveyed leftist goals so instilled within him, I must give praise for the thrust of wisdom with which it was filled. 

            And likewise, I disliked his push of blame yet again onto Bush, but nevertheless, it's one of his best, so further complaints I won't push.  

            Perhaps as you're reading these lines you've noticed the rhythm and rhyme, so if you prefer the format of verse, scroll-down for the verses in lines.  

A critic I am of Obama 
for leftist infliction of trauma 
on free-market rites 
and property rights 
and weakness displayed far too often.  

But yet in my hearing his speech 
today on the day he received 
the prize of Nobel 
for work that's done well, 
a critic I choose not to be.  

Instead, I'm constrained to concede 
that most of his well-crafted speech 
expressed the ideals 
that Dubya with zeal 
so often conveyed in a speech.  

Obama correctly perceived 
ideals of our country to be 
what most does deserve 
the loftiest words 
as thanks for our efforts for peace.  

Obama quite clearly conveyed 
the value of prices we've paid 
in blood and in lives 
that freedom should thrive 
where tyranny we have replaced.  

Though happy I'm not that he still 
conveyed leftist goals so instilled 
within him, I must 
give praise for the thrust 
of wisdom with which it was filled.  

And likewise, I disliked his push 
of blame yet again onto Bush, 
but nevertheless, 
it's one of his best, 
so further complaints I won't push.  

--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.

Permanent links to this installment: 

http://PoliSat.Com/NobelPeacePrizeSpeechByObama.htm .




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