Proliferation of Hate-Crime Legislative Proposals May Apply to Steve Rattner, the Car-Czar for Obama.·

By Jim Wrenn, 
Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.
May 12, 2009--

            The goal of the "hate" crime miscellany political leaders are bellowing to classify crimes of violent designs?  Political-speech incorrectomy.  Defining non-violent, fraught minds' expressions of hatred as wrought crimes would be to design a law that defines
expressions of speech to be "thought" crimes.

            That hate can't be more than a "thought" crime without conduct crossing the fault-line from hatefulness tracts to violent acts makes violence required for a "wrought" crime.  Since so many groups have now pleaded for "hate" crime protection, what's needed is not statute-padding by group-by-group adding-- instead, it's a "catch-all" that's needed.  Instead of more laws to define the "hate" crime examples of crime, a single amendment could serve the intention to properly classify crimes:  

            Since violent acts existentially are needed for "hate" crimes contextually, then violent crimes without "hate" in mind should henceforth be called "Friendly Felonies."  For Felonies' "friendly" gestalt examples are: Amious Assault, Hospitable Homicide, Progressive Parenticideº¹, and Ravishing Rape of a broad.

            Perhaps the most prevalent kind of "hate" that's involved in a crime pertains to the motives by leaders emoted to feign their reluctance of mind.   Examples abound of this practice to justify acts not attractive   When leaders propose a tax to impose while claiming to hate to raise taxes.   To bond-holders Chrysler abused Obama's new "Car-Czar" effused:  "If you keep on sticking to claims, I'd hate sicking the press at the White House on you."   Obama on porkulus growth says, "Bush is to blame, and you know I'd much rather shrink the tide of red ink and hate to make government grow."

            I finally close with a note in case as you read what I wrote you deemed the word usage and syntax effusive and think that good English I smote.  Perhaps you've detected these lines are written in rhythm and rhyme-- If so, cursor-down, 'cause there will be found these verses in stanzas and lines. 


The goal of the "hate" crime miscellany
political leaders are bellowing
to classify crimes
of violent designs?
Political-speech incorrectomy.

Defining non-violent, fraught minds'
expressions of hatred as wrought crimes
would be to design
a law that defines
expressions of speech to be "thought" crimes.

That hate can't be more than a "thought" crime
without conduct crossing the fault-line
from hatefulness tracts
to violent acts
makes violence required for a "wrought" crime.

Since so many groups have now pleaded
for "hate" crime protection, what's needed
is not statute-padding
by group-by-group adding--
instead, it's a "catch-all" that's needed.

Instead of more laws to define
the "hate" crime examples of crime,
a single amendment
could serve the intention
to properly classify crimes:  

Since violent acts existentially
are needed for "hate" crimes contextually,
then violent crimes
without "hate" in mind
should henceforth be called "Friendly Felonies."

For Felonies' "friendly" gestalt
examples are: Amious Assault,
Hospitable Homicide,
Progressive Parenticideº¹,
and Ravishing Rape of a broad.

Perhaps the most prevalent kind
of "hate" that's involved in a crime
pertains to the motives
by leaders emoted
to feign their reluctance of mind.

Examples abound of this practice
to justify acts not attractive:    
When leaders propose
a tax to impose
while claiming to hate to raise taxes.

To bond-holders Chrysler abused
Obama's new "Car-Czar" effused: 
"If you keep on sticking
to claims, I'd hate sicking
the press at the White House on you."

Obama on porkulus growth
says, "Bush is to blame, and you know
I'd much rather shrink
the tide of red ink
and hate to make government grow."

º¹ See Chicago Magazine's 2001 interview of William Ayers (Bill Ayers) focusing on, among other things, formative elements of Ayers' political philosophy in the 1960's:  "From our August 2001 issue: 'Kill your parents!' urged sixties leftist Bill Ayers .... "


--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.

Permanent links to this installment: 


http://PoliSat.Com/HateCrimes.htm .





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