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People's Translator for Occupy Wall Street Agit-Props.·

By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com , PoliticalXray.Com . 
October 15, 2011--

            The People's Translator Counters the "No Coherent Message" Criticism of Occupy-Wall-Street Progressives by Conveying the Social-Justice Message With Greater Clarity.  In any successful revolution, the Agit-Prop Professionals must have effective control over the messages to be conveyed to the unwashed masses, but the Theoreticians must always have effective control over the human-agit-props'şı understanding of Progressive Doctrine. Thus, on those rare occasions when members of our Progressive Media absent-mindedly ask any of our human-agit-props to explain whatever slogan he-she may be displaying, it's vital for our cause for her-him to be able to accurately translate such slogan succinctly with confidence and clarity. Thus, we have developed The People's Translator:



şıPersons forced by capitalism to live in their parents' basements, those seeking employment on Craig's List, students seeking extra credit in their social-studies courses for consciousness-raising participation in street-theatre politics, etc.





Occupy-Wall-Street in the Long-March to CapitOlism

from PoliticalXray on Vimeo.


We've seen those claiming to be "the 99%," but what about those who are the 53%?

--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.

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