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Czar Sets Example at 9-12 DC Rally Mocking Boobs Named as Czars and Inspires
Admiration of Her Example(s).·
Jim Wrenn,
Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.
September 21, 2009--
The BOOB-CZAR provided DeeCee a
quite-pleasant visage to see the twelfth of month nine in Two-Thousand-Nine to
wean folks from Kool-Aid to tea. In internet-surfing dominions, no doubt
she'll attract wide attention of folks unaware how much they're ensnared in
redistributionist visions. With whom did she march in the horde that
proved itself silent no more? Go
here where you'll see-- SouthFloridaTeaParty-dot-Org.
Though some whose attention she grabs will only take visual dabs of what she
conveys, more others will stray to sites where in learning they'll
dab. And then they'll perceive that her role in being a sight to behold
has helped them transcend what boobs they have been as clay in
pop-cultural molds.
Her role-playing smartly eschews the stereotypical views of some on our side
too stern to untie their "don't be too sexy" taboos. Her
good-natured, t-shirted use of nature's endowments for views of feminine
splendor enshrine her as sender of knowledge to uninformed boobs.
They'll learn that the role she devised did more than just open their eyes with
BOOBS-for-boobs links to sources to shrink the spaces unfilled in their
minds. And thus, they'll forever remember the BOOB-CZAR who helped them to
render asunder the grip of needs to be "hip" in peer-groups in which
they are members. They also will learn their removal of cravings for
peer-group approval has made them contenders for serving as mentors for others
to seek such removal.
And thus, as she travels through age, when physical beauty doth fade, the
strength of her mind will always define the beauty that always remains.
And likewise, the minds full of mush which now by her beauty are touched, like
husbands whose mem'rys of brides still continue, will always see beauty
But "Where is she found?" many ask. To find her should not be a
task. So, 'til she is ready, a twitter-space readied by us waits for
BoobCzar to grasp. 'Til then we are fondly displaying her image with
messages saying to Czar for the Boobs: "We're waiting for you
expanding the role you are playing." Just think of the minds full of
mush you'll reach and the hearts you will touch by fusion of humor with
knowledge not rumors on lots of political stuff.
We saved for you BoobCzar-dot-Com until you are ready to don your costume again
to educate men like SevenOfNine-Twelve-dot-Com.
Like SevenOfNine-Twelve-dot-Com, your role as the BoobCzar-dot-Com, can capture
attention of minds still imprisoned where pop-culture leftists are strong.
Perhaps as you're reading these lines, you notice the rhythm and rhyme, and if
you prefer the stanzas in verse, scroll-down
for the stanzas and lines.
In internet-surfing dominions,
no doubt
she'll attract wide attention
of folks unaware
how much they're ensnared
redistributionist visions.
whom did she march in the horde
that proved itself silent no more?
Go here where you'll see--
Though some whose attention she grabs
will only take visual dabs
of what she
more others will stray
to sites where in learning they'll
role-playing smartly eschews
the stereotypical views
of some on our side
too stern to untie
their "don't be too sexy" taboos.
good-natured, t-shirted use
of nature's endowments for views
of feminine splendor
enshrine her as sender
of knowledge to uninformed boobs.
They'll learn that the role she devised
did more than just open their eyes
BOOBS-for-boobs links
to sources to shrink
the spaces unfilled in their
They also will learn their removal
of cravings for
peer-group approval
has made them contenders
for serving as mentors
for others
to seek such removal.
And thus, as she travels through age,
when physical beauty doth fade,
strength of her mind
will always define
the beauty that always remains.
And likewise, the minds full of mush
which now by her beauty are touched,
husbands whose mem'rys
of brides still continue,
will always see beauty
"Where is she found?" many ask.
To find her should not be a task.
So, 'til she is ready,
a twitter-space readied
by us waits for BoobCzar to grasp.
then we are fondly displaying
her image with messages saying
to Czar for the Boobs:
"We're waiting for you
expanding the role you are playing."
saved for you BoobCzar-dot-Com
until you are ready to don
your costume again
to educate men
like SevenOfNine-Twelve-dot-Com.
your role as the BoobCzar-dot-Com,
can capture attention
of minds still imprisoned
where pop-culture leftists are strong.
Wrenn, Editor, PoliSat.Com aka PoliticalXray.Com.