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When Freedom's at Peace on a Fourth of July then
pure Celebration should blanket our skies. and many
so bravely for freedom have died, So
little they ask for so much that they give that more than just "thank you" to them we must give. The "more" they would want is not "something" to give: It's what's given best by our lives when we live in ways to be worthy of all they did give. The "everyman" Private named "Ryan" perceived this insight returning to Normandy's beach by posing a question whose asking does teach the answer to what do we owe the deceased-- Asked Ryan, "Please tell me the life I did weave has honored the gift that from them I received." --Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
Scroll down further for an additional, embeddable video titled "Victory by Any Other Name." The permanent link to the page displaying that video is http://PoliSat.Com/VictoryByAnyOtherName.htm.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.
Permanent link to this July 2, 2009 installment for July 4, 2009:
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