Secret task force de-codes video of Sharon Stone eliciting terrorist-leaders' praise by exposing "Basic Instinct" credentials in Mid-East interview calling 9-11 "pretext" for Afghanistan and Iraq wars.·

By Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com. 
March 10, 2008--

            An ultra-secret task force is releasing a just-recently-decoded video of Sharon Stone eliciting praise from terrorist leaders by exposing her "Basic Instinct" credentials in a Middle-East interview claiming 9-11 was a "pretext" by America for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  A member of the ultra-secret task force, who insisted on remaining anonymous, said decoding the video frame-by-frame involved quite challenging decryption work that began with software but couldn't be completed until they figured-out ways to overcome hardware problems that arose in the process.  

            Until the de-coding and release of this video, which is entitled "Sharon Stone Basic Instinct On Iraq," the only record of her interview was in the form of news reports quoting transcripts of her statements and responses by well-known terrorist leaders praising them.  Because proper decoding of the video could not fully conceal participation by a member of the task force in part of the process essential for showing the authenticity of the process for capturing and converting the video images and accompanying audio, the commander of the task force almost refused to permit its release.  


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            However, upon being satisfied that it would be impossible for even the best hackers to penetrate the disguise used by that task-force member, the commander authorized release of the video through an anonymous source.  When the anonymous source asked why it was released to PoliSat.Com rather than to the New York Times, as is customary for exposure of vital national security secrets, the source said there were three reasons:  First, this released video does not reveal or jeopardize national security; Second, the desire was that it be released through a media outlet with more credibility than the New York Times.  Third, it's well known that the New York Times would be extremely reluctant to expose any anonymous information clearly shown not to endanger national security.

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Sharon Stone Basic Instinct on Iraq·

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            Some experts on covert operations believe this task-force is the same one that ran the highly successful "Buurka Streeper" operation reported to be headed by former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.  That top-secret operation became possible as a result of another top-secret operation, "WretchBoarding," which is also reported as being run by Rumsfeld.  If all these reports are correct, Rumsfeld has been more active in a covert capacity that he was in his former capacity of Secretary of Defense.  Paradoxically, for reasons never explained, YouTube banned a video exposing the "WretchBoarding" operation.   Was it the influence of George Soros and MoveOn.Org?  Was it Al Gore's well-known influence over Google, which owns and controls YouTube?  PoliSat.Com is still working to expose answers to these questions.  Indeed, YouTube's banning of that video seems inextricably linked (at least motivationally) to YouTube's recent banning of a video about Hillary Clinton, in reference to which YouTube "stonewalled" attempts by its producers seeking an explanation for the reason(s) for such ban.

--Jim Wrenn, Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.

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See also:
http://PoliSat.Com/BasicInstinctOnIraq.htm  and http://PoliSat.Com/BasicInstinctOnIraq-HQL.htm .




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