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Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama sing "I Knock You, Babe" Duet for Political Grammy Awards.·

By Jim Wrenn,

Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.

December 9, 2007--

            Reports that Clinton and Obama will be "competing" at the upcoming Grammys Award ceremonies  are fueling speculation about whether Hillary and Barack  will be competing "against" each other or "with" each other against others for a Grammy.  Music industry insiders have anonymously disclosed to PoliSat.Com's Washington Bureau Drawer Chief that both Hillary and Barack will be nominated for "Best Political Song of the 2008 Campaign" and that they both have an inside track to win.  


            How could they  both have the inside track to win?  According to the inside sources, the reason they both have the inside track to win is that they will be jointly nominated for their duet titled "I Knock You Babe," which is steadily rising on  YouTube Charts but also is becoming more popular in its better-quality original video format (wmv) at PoliSat.Com, where it's also available in the Flash format.  (It's available for viewing using in both formats using the image-links above-right and below-right.)   The versions converted by YouTube's  system from originals uploaded by PoliSat.Com are "okay," but the originals at PoliSat.Com are better, so many people ask, "Why should YouTube's wallet be fattened by getting all the traffic?"

            Notwithstanding the reports by insiders that Barack and Hillary will win for their duet, rumors abound that other candidates are still nursing long-shot hopes of winning over the Hillary/Barack duet.  John Edwards still hopes to win for his rendition of "I Feel Pretty."  Joe Biden is telling everyone that the buzz is saying "Joe Is Right"  because it features all the rest of the candidates singing Biden's praises to the tune of "You Got a Friend in Me," but the other candidates accused Biden of plagiarizing their plagiarization of him.  

            Christopher Dodd is hoping to win for his hip-hop update to the Twilight Zone theme, in which he does the "robo-dance" while trying to synchronize his imitation of Rod Serling's voice with a "21st Century" update of the Twilight Zone theme set to an artistically daring blend of tempos combining "disco," "break-dancing" and the Minuet .  Dennis Kucinich still holds out hope for his lively "humming" rendition of the theme from his favorite 1970's documentary, "My Favorite Martian," while adamantly denying that the "Martian" appearing in his music video is actually a photo-shopped video-clip of Joe Lieberman.  (Reached for comment about this, Joe Lieberman chuckled and said, "Fortunately for me, unlike Dennis Kucinich -- and despite my uncanny resemblance to the actor who played "My Favorite Martian" in the 1970's sitcom-- I don't need to convince people that I'm not from Mars.")  

            Meanwhile, Bill Richardson is complaining that his chances of winning are being unfairly diminished by political dirty tricks by all the other candidates' campaigns collaborating in "push-polling" suggestion that his real identity is that of the politically incorrect "Frito Bandido" simply because in his baseball career (before he put on so many extra pounds) he was adept at "stealing bases."

--Jim Wrenn, Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.

Permanent Link for this installment:  [http://PoliSat.Com/IKnockYouBabe.htm#20071209-01]




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