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Obama's Operatives Still Seeking Unmasking of Seven of Nine-Twelve Actress and More Before 9-12 Events.

By Jim Wrenn, 
Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.
September 9, 2009-- 

          As previously reported on August 29 and 30, 2009, political operatives are still seeking to unmask the identify of the actress portraying "Seven of Nine-Twelve" in the soon-to-be released political science-fiction (Poli-Sci-Fi) thriller inspired by the character "Seven of Nine" in the Star Trek Voyager series.  A source on the production side of the venture said, "Soon the mask will come off the identity of the star and more."  

            Asked whether "and more" applies to the star or to other still-heavily guarded information about what promises to be an explosive, Poli-Sci-Fi thriller, the source gave an evasive response:  "The only thing I'm allowed to say at this time is 'Wait and see.'"  When asked to comment on recent speculation that there may be artistic differences among the producers, writers and actors, he said, "Suffice it to say, we're all confident that not only will this new series attract an audience among people who enjoyed the highly popular Star Trek Voyager series generally as well as the incredibly sexy 'Seven of Nine' character played so well by actress Jeri Ryan, but it will also attract an audience among political junkies who were not 'Star Trek' fans at all.

            Questioned about whether the series will involve strictly science fiction or will also involve political satire, and, if so, whether it will be humorous satire or polemical satire, the source said, "All of the above."   Asked whether the "Seven of Nine-Twelve" character would be as "sexy" a character as was "Seven of Nine" and whether any episodes would involve some of the "sexy science-fiction-soap-opera" themes and scenes in some of the Voyager episodes, the source replied:  "Well, everybody involved in production thinks the body-suit uniform worn by Seven of Nine-Twelve is more form-fitting (but not unduly revealing) than the body-suit uniform worn by Seven of Nine in Voyager." 

              Again questioned about the "themes" of the episodes, the source said, "No doubt some of the themes will involve interpersonal interactions between and amongst the characters, but to characterize them as 'science-fiction soap-opera' themes would be ridiculous-- the themes are about broader aspects of the relationship between the individual and society as well as between and among individuals within the society.  Such themes were dominant among the wide variety of themes featured in the Star Trek Voyager series.

            Asked whether there will be a "Spock" type character or a "Data" type character, the source emphasized that in Voyager, the "doctor" on the space-ship Voyager was a "Data-like" character "because his knowledge, personality and behavior were determined by computer programming, but, unlike the character 'Data,' the doctor was a three-dimensional, computer-generate projection creating an artificial 'person' as the 'doctor' with a personality controlled by computer 'algorithms.'"  Regarding a "Spock" type character, the source said, "In science fiction, nothing is ever 'ruled out.'"   

.            Reminded that at least one Voyager episode featured Seven of Nine being unclothed, and pressed again about the meaning of "the mask [coming] off ... and more," the source said, "In one of the episodes of Voyager, the 'programming' of the ship's 'doctor' (a three-dimensional, solid 'holographic' projection of a 'doctor' generated by the ship's on-board computer, which character was played by a human actor) became corrupted and caused the 'doctor' to behave inappropriately towards Seven of Nine.  Similarly, one of the Seven of Nine-Twelve episodes, "Doctor Gone Wild," is about health care and involves artistically appropriate depictions of aspects of the doctor-patient relationship between Seven of Nine-Twelve and the computer-generated, holographic 'doctor' on her ship (the USS Freedom), whose behavior becomes inappropriate through a "trojan horse" embedded in his programming by a remote hacker on a distance space-ship of a cyborg civilization."  He added, "It's possible that the 'Doctor Gone Wild' episode might be used as the premiere episode."

 Support-Troops T-Shirt for 9-12-2009  

            Asked to describe other characters in the series and identify the actors, the source said, "Those identities are likewise being kept secret until the release of the first episode, but I'm told that whoever plays the 'doctor' bears a striking resemblance to Howard Dean."  In response to being pressed to describe other characters, the source said, "I've already said more than I should have."

            Finally, the source said, "But there's one more thing I should have explained.  People desiring to support this production project and also desiring to express support (on 9-12 and afterward) for the ultimate triumph of the individual over the collective, should acquire, and display at 9-12-like events, a poster about Seven of Nine-Twelve.  Additionally, women who support individualistic feminism in contrast to leftist feminism should consider purchasing and wearing to such events a T-shirt emphatically displaying the troops-supporting message that "REAL Feminists Fete Freedom's Forces Fighting Fanaticism."  

Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.

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