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Sharon Stone Basic Instinct Super Bowl Ad For Hillary.·

Before you get to the satire/commentary (further below), consider this:·

If you know anyone who seriously doubts the "MainStream Media" (which I call the "Dominant Media" because it's anything but "mainstream") has an anti-Bush political agenda in covering the war in Iraq, send them the link below:


CBS's at least recklessly, if not knowingly, presenting al Qaeda propaganda disguised as an ordinary Iraqi blaming the U.S. for "not bringing Democracy" (which we did do, however, such statement notwithstanding-- more than 70% of the people risked death to vote) and not making things "better" than under Saddam (which we've also done, however, since Saddam can no longer reconstitute his chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs) is yet another example of smoking-gun evidence of pursuing its anti-Bush political agenda regardless of the adverse consequences to the U.S.-- especially since CBS knows that a MAJOR component of al Qaeda's war against us (as well as that of Hezbollah, Hammas, & Islamic Jihad with the rapidly growing collaboration of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez) is propaganda.

This puts Dan Rather's fraudulent hit-job on Bush to shame.

--Jim Wrenn, Editor

Sharon Stone Basic Instinct Super Bowl Ad For Hillary.·


Jan. 30, 2007--

Super Bowl Halftime debut of Sharon Stone ad showing Hillary is equipped with the Basic Instinct to deal with 'bad, evil men" in the world.·

Silent Preview (above)

"play" below for  MiniVideo version

"Sharon Stone Basic Instinct Super Bowl Ad For Hillary "

For in-page viewing of larger 

versions, click here for permanent

 URL or find it by title in PoliSat.Com's index--here.

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History Behind the 

Sharon Stone Basic Instinct 

Super Bow Ad for Hillary:


The surge for Obama last year
made danger for Hillary clear.
So now she's begun
to formally run
for President early this year.

As soon as her run did begin
came questions of "women" v "men"
like "Are you equipped
to end or eclipse
the terror of 'bad, evil men'?"

Her answer, for some, failed to show
how well she's equipped, so we'd know
she's up to the task.
To questions re-asked
her answers are set forth below:

My answer when asked how I'd end

the threats posed by bad, 'evil men,'
the words I did choose
to answer were skewed,
so then I explained what I'd meant."

At first, I assumed words alone
would clearly suffice to atone
for answers too 'hurried'
(like those of John Kerry),
'til findings from polling by phone.

Results from the polling by phone
showed also that language alone
could never eclipse
the doubts I'm equipped
as well as top leaders we've known.

Today, the way "truth" becomes "known"
requires that it also be "shown"
in video form,
so HEICO was formed
for ads in the video form.

So HEICO enrolled Sharon Stone,
whose most "Basic Instinct" is known,
for video clips
to show I'm equipped
as well as our best leaders known.

Though last year we heard Ms. Stone state
"Too sexy" I'd be for '08,
she now has concluded
from what I've exuded
that I'm best equipped for '08.

The HEICO commercials consisting
of "real-persons/actors-assisting"
in humorous scenes
were perfect for me
with actors like Stone for assisting.

And even the Lizard expressed
the hope to appear and confess
mistakes in the past
in failing to grasp
the fact that for him I'd be best.

Approving the Lizard's request
we let him appear and confess
and then to receive
rewards for his deeds
from me for his choice to confess.

Said HEICO, the optimum ad-time
would be in the Super Bowl half-time,
however, if you
desire a "sneak" view
click "preview" for Stone's ad for Half-Time.

            The surge for Obama last year made danger for Hillary clear.  So now she's begun to formally run for President early this year.  As soon as her run did begin came questions of "women" v "men" like "Are you equipped to end or eclipse the terror of 'bad, evil men'?"  Her answer, for some, failed to show how well she's equipped, so we'd know she's up to the task. To questions re-asked her answers are set forth below:  

            My answer when asked how I'd end the threats posed by bad, 'evil men,' the words I did choose to answer were skewed, so then I explained what I'd meant.   At first, I assumed words alone would clearly suffice to atone for answers too 'hurried' (like those of John Kerry), 'til findings from polling by phone.

            Results from the polling by phone showed also that language alone could never eclipse the doubts I'm equipped as well as top leaders we've known.  Today, the way "truth" becomes "known" requires that it also be "shown" in video form, so HEICOº¹  was formed for ads in the video form.

            So HEICO enrolled Sharon Stone, whose most "Basic Instinct" is known, for video clips to show I'm equipped as well as our best leaders known.  Though last year we heard Ms. Stone state "Too sexy" I'd be for '08, she now has concluded from what I've exuded that I'm best equipped for '08.

            The HEICO commercials consisting of "real-persons/actors-assisting" in humorous scenes were perfect for me with actors like Stone for assisting.  And even the Lizard expressed the hope to appear and confess mistakes in the past in failing to grasp the fact that for him I'd be best.

            Approving the Lizard's request we let him appear and confess and then to receive rewards for his deeds from me for his choice to confess.  Said HEICO, the optimum ad-time would be in the Super Bowl half-time, however, if you desire a "sneak" view click "preview" for Stone's ad for Half-Time.

            Perhaps as you're reading these lines, you'll see they're in rhythm and rhyme.  If not, they're repeated (at left) for your reading as verses with rhythm and rhyme.

---Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com. (Scroll-down for larger versions of the video.)

 Note:  The permanent link to this installment is http://PoliSat.Com/Sharon_Stone_Basic_Instinct_Super_Bowl_Ad_For_Hillary.htm.  


º¹·HEICO stands for Hollywood Entertainers In Clinton's Orbit.

Editor's Note:  If demand-volume is preventing you from viewing the video now (or causing it to load too slowly), please try again later.  We're working to increase bandwidth.-- Jim Wrenn, Editor@PoliSat.Com.

Scroll down for in-page viewing of a variety of size/connection-speed versions of the video, "Sharon Stone Basic Instinct Super Bowl Ad For Hillary,"


Click "play" button below for a medium-size version of "Sharon Stone Basic Instinct Super Bowl Ad For Hillary" for high-speed connections (Scroll-down for large-size/fastest-connection version)

 Note:  The permanent link to this installment is http://PoliSat.Com/Sharon_Stone_Basic_Instinct_Super_Bowl_Ad_For_Hillary.htm.  


Click "play" button below for a medium-size version of "Sharon Stone Basic Instinct Super Bowl Ad For Hillary" for medium-speed connections (including accelerated dialup): 


 Note:  The permanent link to this installment is http://PoliSat.Com/Sharon_Stone_Basic_Instinct_Super_Bowl_Ad_For_Hillary.htm.  


Click "play" button below for the largest size version of "Sharon Stone Basic Instinct Super Bowl Ad For Hillary" for the highest-speed connections.  For smaller versions for less-fast connections, scroll up on this page.


 Note:  The permanent link to this installment is http://PoliSat.Com/Sharon_Stone_Basic_Instinct_Super_Bowl_Ad_For_Hillary.htm.  


Click "play" button below for dialup connections:

 Note:  The permanent link to this installment is http://PoliSat.Com/Sharon_Stone_Basic_Instinct_Super_Bowl_Ad_For_Hillary.htm.  



To Display on your website the Silent-Preview/MiniVideo Player (170x374) for "Sharon_Stone_Basic_Instinct_Super_Bowl_Ad_For_Hillary" shown below, copy/paste the html code into your site-- For the copy/paste code, go here.  

Top:  silent mini- preview

MiniVideo-- Play below

Larger versions at PoliSat.Com 







Editor's Note re above:  I expect to soon make "Sharon Stone Basic Instinct Super Bowl Ad For Hillary" available in CD/DVD form and/or for licensed downloading.  If you're interested, check back here.  --Jim Wrenn, Editor.




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<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1"><b><font color="#FFFFFF">Silent

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<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 5" align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow" size="1"><b>&quot;play&quot;

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<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"><b><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">&quot;</font><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFF00">Sharon Stone Basic Instinct Super Bowl Ad For Hillary

Sharon Stone Basic Instinct Super Bowl Ad For Hillary</font><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">&quot;</font></b></p>

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