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ICANN-- I Can, I CAN!·


Jan. 21, 2007--

ICANN-- I Can, I Can--  What's new in the internet's "story"?  In 2007 said Toure (successor to Annan, the U.N. loose-cannon): "The W-GIG plan we're ignoring."·

Silent Preview (above)

"play" below for  MiniVideo version

"ICANN-- I Can "

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versions, click here for permanent

 URL or find it by title in PoliSat.Com's index--here.

 powered by GlobalWeb.Net 

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for variety of sizes & configurations.

For context, it's best to reprise
beginning in 2003
the mountainous climb
the U.N. designed
for ICANN to be left behind:

(Dec. 5, 2003):

The growth of the Internet Web
helps freedom advance 'stead of ebb,
so freedom demands
that government hands
do little in weaving the Web.

Reports say that soon the UN
intends to propose to begin
control of the Net
to aid and abet
the Third World's desires to get in.

Because the UN is the worstest
in helping the lastest be firstest,
to let it control
the Internet's folds,
it soon would become the Interred Net.

So ICANN¹ should tell Kofi Annan² 
that if the UN won't abandon
its trigger-lock plank,
then ICANN will yank
permission to lock its ICANNon.·

(Dec. 8, 2003):
Reports say that ICANN received
'til 2005 a reprieve
from slow strangulation
by miscreant nations
who'd rule how the Web we should weave.

Proponents of UN control
on weaving the Internet's folds
resemble exhorters
to license "reporters"
by standards their governments mold.

It's not since our first-most Amendment
against free-expression infringement
that freedom received
such help to proceed
as that from the Wide-Web's invention.

Since using the Web may elicit
what tyrants perceive as illicit,
we can't simply by-stand
but must echo ICANN: 
When something ain't broken, don't "fix" it.·

(Aug. 8, 2005):

And now the U.N.'s W-GIGº³
continues its effort to dig
a hole to inter
what ICANNconferred 
on Earthlings: From freedom a swig. 

The W-GIG plan is to get
from ICANN control of the Net
with plans to "improve"
(like oil sold for "food")
the world-wide control of the Net. 

But Coleman, et al, have proclaimed
control of the Net must remain
with ICANN so swigs
from freedom aren't rigged
with rulings by tyrants ordained. 

Said Coleman, "I'm certain ICANN
bite off W-GIG, a bite planned
to give the U.N.control 
that has been
for freedom preserved by ICANN."

(Jan. 2007):
And now, for the rest of the story:
In 2007 said Toure
(successor to Annan, 
the former loose-cannon):
"The W-GIG plan we're ignoring."

The offspring of old Uncle Sam
whose acronym name is "ICANN"
became what it should:
The "engine that could"
crest mountainous U.N. web plans.

·ICANN-- I Can, I Can·

Embed this video on your site/blog-- see below.


*support troops; support Bush oppose the left*

·Global Web Solutions, Inc.·
Go here for code to embed this video box in other site

            What's new in the internet's "story"?   In 2007 said Toure (successor to Annan, the former loose-cannon): "The W-GIG plan we're ignoring." The offspring of old Uncle Sam whose acronym name is "ICANN" became what it should: The "engine that could" crest mountainous U.N. web plans.  For context, it's best to reprise beginning in 2003 the mountainous climb the U.N. designed for ICANN to be left behind: 

Dec. 5, 2003:

            The growth of the Internet Web helps freedom advance 'stead of ebb, so freedom demands that government hands do little in weaving the Web. Reports say that soon the UN intends to propose to begin control of the Net to aid and abet the Third World's desires to get in. Because the UN is the worstest in helping the lastest be firstest, to let it control the Internet's folds, it soon would become the Interred Net. So ICANN¹ should tell Kofi Annan² that if the UN won't abandon its trigger-lock plank, then ICANN will yank permission to lock its ICANNon.·

(Scroll down for continuation of text)

Dec. 8, 2003:

            Reports say that ICANN received 'til 2005 a reprieve from slow strangulation by miscreant nations who'd rule how the Web we should weave. Proponents of UN control on weaving the Internet's folds resemble exhorters to license "reporters" by standards their governments mold. It's not since our first-most Amendment against free-expression infringement that freedom received such help to proceed as that from the Wide-Web's invention. Since using the Web may elicit what tyrants perceive as illicit, we can't simply by-stand but must echo ICANN: When something ain't broken, don't "fix" it.·

Aug. 2, 2005

            And now the U.N.'s W-GIGº³ continues its effort to dig a hole to inter what ICANN conferred on Earthlings: From freedom a swig. The W-GIG plan is to get from ICANN control of the Net with plans to "improve" (like oil sold for "food") the world-wide control of the Net. But Coleman, et al, have proclaimed control of the Net must remain with ICANN so swigs from freedom aren't rigged with rulings by tyrants ordained. Said Coleman, "I'm certain ICANN bite off W-GIG, a bite plannedto give the U.N. controlthat has been for freedom preserved by ICANN."

Jan, 12, 2007

            And now, for the rest of the story: In 2007 said Toure (successor to Annan, the former loose-cannon): "The W-GIG plan we're ignoring." The offspring of old Uncle Sam whose acronym name is "ICANN" became what it should: The "engine that could" crest mountainous U.N. web plans.

            Perhaps as you're reading these lines, you'll see they're in rhythm and rhyme.  If not, they're repeated (at left) for your reading as verses with rhythm and rhyme:

---Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.

 Note:  The permanent link to this installment is http://PoliSat.Com/ICANN--I_Can.htm

Scroll down for in-page viewing of a variety of size/connection-speed versions of the video, "ICANN-- I Can,"


Click "play" button below for a medium-size version of "ICANN-- I Can" for high-speed connections (Scroll-down for large-size/fastest-connection version)


Click "play" button below for the largest size version of "ICANN-- I Can" for the highest-speed connections




Click "play" button below for a medium-size version of "ICANN-- I Can" for medium-speed connections (including accelerated dialup): 


Click "play" button below for dialup connections:




To Display on your website the Silent-Preview/MiniVideo Player (170x374) for "ICANN--I_Can" shown below, copy/paste the html code into your site-- For the copy/paste code, go here.  

Top:  silent mini- preview

MiniVideo-- Play below

Larger versions at PoliSat.Com 







Editor's Note re above:  I expect to soon make "ICANN-- I Can" available in CD/DVD form and/or for licensed downloading.  If you're interested, check back here.  --Jim Wrenn, Editor.




<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="170">


<td valign="top" align="center" bgcolor="#000000">

<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"><a href="http://PoliSat.Com/ICANN--I_Can.htm" target="_top"><img border="0" src="http://PoliSat.Com/images/ICANN--I_Can-gif-At160x120.gif" width="160" height="120"></a></p>

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</font></b><font face="Browallia New" size="3" color="#FFFFFF"><b>silent mini- preview</b></font></p>

<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"><font face="Browallia New" size="3" color="#FFFFFF"><b>MiniVideo</b>--

Play below</font></p>




<td valign="bottom" align="center" bgcolor="#000000">

<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center">

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</font></font><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Browallia New" size="3">versions at </font><a href="http://PoliSat.Com/ICANN--I_Can.htm" target="_top"><font face="Browallia New" size="3" color="#FFFFFF">PoliSat.Com</font></a><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Browallia New" size="3">&nbsp;</font></b></p>

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Silent Preview (above)

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For in-page viewing of larger 

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 URL or find it by title in PoliSat.Com's index--here.

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<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="170" bordercolor="#FFFFFF">


<td valign="top" align="center" bgcolor="#000000">

<p style="margin-top: 0" align="center"><img border="0" src="http://PoliSat.Com/images/ICANN--I_Can-gif-At170x127.gif" width="170" height="127">

<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1"><b><font color="#FFFFFF">Silent

Preview (above)</font></b></font>

<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 5" align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow" size="1"><b>&quot;play&quot;

</b></font><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1"><b><font color="#FFFFFF">below for&nbsp;</font></b></font><b><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow" size="1">

</font><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#00FF00">MiniVideo</font><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Narrow" size="1">




<td valign="bottom" align="center" bgcolor="#000000">

<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center">

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<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="center"><b><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">&quot;</font><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFF00">ICANN-- I Can

ICANN-- I Can</font><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">&quot;</font></b></p>

<p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: -2" align="center"><b><font face="Arial Narrow" size="1" color="#FFFFFF">For

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Copy/Paste Code for ICANN--I Can, I Can (HQL wmv video box) BEGINS ON LINE BELOW

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